A Faith to Proclaim, A Fellowship to Share
St John's-Renfield Church of Scotland

Book Group
Our church book group meets on the first or last Monday evening of the month, when women of all ages who are interested in books get together to discuss the latest “read”.
The group choose a book a month in advance, and that book is discussed at the next meeting; anyone can recommend books. Past choices include “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett, “The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox” by Maggie O’Farrell and Janice Galloway’s “This Is Not About Me”. Those who wish can also bring a poem related to the theme of the book or a relevant issue. On occasion the group arrange a visit to the cinema to see 'the film of the book’.
There is no pressure to speak, nor to be erudite! The pleasure is in the sharing, the laughter, and the fellowship as much as the discussion and you don’t need to be involved in the church to join.