A Faith to Proclaim, A Fellowship to Share
St John's-Renfield Church of Scotland
Our church offers a stunning venue for weddings. You do not need to be a member of the Church to get married in a Church of Scotland building, but marriages will be carried out at the discretion of the Minister. As soon as possible, and before making final arrangements, check that the church is available for the date and time you have in mind. E-mail our office (office@sjrchurch.com) and our Hall Lets Convenor will help you. You are welcome to tour the church before you make any bookings
The Minister and Organist
The Minister will need to see you both before your wedding day. It is often worthwhile to meet when making initial arrangements about dates and times. The Minister will be pleased to meet with you at a suitably convenient time.
It is important that your consult with our organist, Mr Cameron Murdoch, concerning your choice of music and hymns before having your wedding stationery printed. He will be very happy to discuss the matter with you and, if required, make suggestions. It is usually best to speak to him in church immediately after Sunday worship.

Legal Requirements
Church weddings have full legal recognition in Scotland, you will not need to have a separate civil wedding, but no matter what church you chose to marry in you will need to comply with all the civil requirements and to produce a marriage schedule for the minister before the marriage can take place
The minimum notice for marriage in Scotland is 29 days. For weddings in Glasgow, go to the registrars section of: